Kitchen Experiement - Strawberry Cocktail
I like strawberries~
would like to share a cocktail recipe with you all.. (also to test out Blogpress apps on iPhone)

1. Pick one or two strawberries and put them in the glass. You can put more if u have bigger glass.

2. Smash the strawberries with a spoon.

3. Till you get strawberry puree like this:

4. Add in suitable amount of Vodka (I use Absolut Vodka) in the glass, follow by Sprite.

5. Stir everything together, add one or two ice cubes, DONE.

It's very easy isn't it?
I personally love vodka for homemade cocktail because I can add it in anything..
You can use same recipe but change strawberry to other fruit, eg. Oranges, kiwi, ... to make different fruit cocktails.. =D
*Be a responsible drinker, do not drive after drinking.*
would like to share a cocktail recipe with you all.. (also to test out Blogpress apps on iPhone)

Strawberries, Sprite, Vodka
You will need a glass and spoon too.
1. Pick one or two strawberries and put them in the glass. You can put more if u have bigger glass.

I picked two big one for a small glass because I would like to have stronger strawberry taste in my drink.
2. Smash the strawberries with a spoon.

I know it's cruel to smash the pretty strawberries but you have to!!
3. Till you get strawberry puree like this:

Pretty right?
4. Add in suitable amount of Vodka (I use Absolut Vodka) in the glass, follow by Sprite.

My recipe is Strawberry puree, Vodka, Sprite in 1:1:1 ratio.
5. Stir everything together, add one or two ice cubes, DONE.

Sorry I didn't take a nice photo for this one.. =p
It's very easy isn't it?
I personally love vodka for homemade cocktail because I can add it in anything..
You can use same recipe but change strawberry to other fruit, eg. Oranges, kiwi, ... to make different fruit cocktails.. =D
*Be a responsible drinker, do not drive after drinking.*
love this ^^
回复删除but can i use another alcohol~???
coz i dont like volka o~
so far i only tested with vodka, u can try others and let me know the result!! =)
回复删除you so geng yeh....why will think about this de?? feel like wanted to try~~~~ ^^
回复删除Previously I tried with orange juice one and nice maa.. So when I have strawberry oso try lo.. Nice leh.. I love strawberries.. XD
ahh... this sound interesting... can try...!! recently eaten some sweet strawberries.. =]