Miu's Kiehl's Super Birthday Party & Birthday Contest
又是来自Plus Size Kitten部落格的好消息!
美国护肤品牌-Kiehl's为Miu举办生日派对,顺道推出最新产品Acai Berry系列!
想要参加1月15日于One Utama Kiehl's 分店举办的Super Birthday Party吗?
赶快参与Plus Size Kitten的这个活动以便成为20位受邀请者的其中一位吧!
Do you want to get invited to Miu's Kiehl's Super Birthday Party??
Join the Express Your Pow activity to become one of the 20 lucky person!

美国护肤品牌-Kiehl's为Miu举办生日派对,顺道推出最新产品Acai Berry系列!
想要参加1月15日于One Utama Kiehl's 分店举办的Super Birthday Party吗?
赶快参与Plus Size Kitten的这个活动以便成为20位受邀请者的其中一位吧!
Do you want to get invited to Miu's Kiehl's Super Birthday Party??
Join the Express Your Pow activity to become one of the 20 lucky person!
Plusizekitten Followers must use www.expressyourpow.com to come up with a comic STRIP (not a frame). Those who blog must post it on their site and those who don’t, must email tammylci@gmail.com the permalink to the strip. The best 20 comic strips picked by Miu and Kiehl's will be selected for the party. Dateline 13/1/10 2pm. Results out 13/1/10 night.
Terms & Condition of Super Fan Contest:
- your follower ID:
- your e-mail:
- your blog link to comic strip
1. Create a comic strip from www.expressyourpow.com and blog about it.
2. If you don't have a blog, you can e-mail your comic strip to tammylci@gmail.com.
3. Contest starts 9/1/10 & ends 13/1/10 2.00pm. Results will be out on 13/1/10 night.
4. The best 20 comic strips will be invited to attend this party by e-mail.
5. Come with a mask or costume. The best dressed superhero costume will win a PRIZE!

My Comic Strip: I need a ride to Miu's Party!!
想要知道值么赢取吗?到Miu's Big Big Birthday Contest查看吧!!

RMK Creamy Make up Base
Miu's Big Big Birthday Contest
Terms & Conditions:
1. Contest starts 8/1/10 and ends 31/1/10.
2. Only followers of Plusizekitten can enter and leave 1 wish greeting & slogan!
3. Incomplete entry will not be entertained.
4. Only 1 winner to be announced after closing date.
5. Open to Malaysian & Overseas Participant.
6. Winner will be randomly selected. The more entries the better the chance.

Terms & Condition of this Giveaway:1. Open to Malaysian Mailing Address.2. Open to Plusizekitten Follower's.3. Start today & end on 17/1/10 11.59pm.4. Only 1 winner will be picked.5. Only complete entries will be entertained.
thanks Jean for your warm greetings!
回复删除oh yeah hopefully we get to meetup this round~~!! not sure if i get selected yet :P crossing my finger!
goodluck in winning MIU's giveaway too!
hehe i spent a bomb on JS!since it has always ontop of my wishlist a long long time~~
i really luv their mix blusher, eye jelly & the quad..
but need to hav the right technique to lock the colors & make them stay~~
did you gave Miu a SWAROVSKI PEN for her birthday??!!
you are incredible!! Such a sweet gal~~
so hav you been practicing with your tsumori chisato ribbon planet?
I always wanted JS too..so pretty!
回复删除But I seldom have chance to use those stuff, most of these pretty stuff went into my collection box..>.< Including the Ribbon Planet! thinking of letting go because I really seldom put makeup on.=p
Yap..a swarovski pen but actually it's a GWP item~ Thought she will get a lot of those skincare products so decided to gave her something "a bit special"..=p